About Us

Last updated Jun 22, 2024

The IamForexTrader website was founded in 2016 to educate and cover investing and trading and various markets - Stocks, ETFs, real estate, forex, currencies, and other, but no less critical, instruments.

We publish the latest news, informative articles, reviews, analytics, and tutorials to help you understand or deepen your knowledge of complex topics such as trading and investing.

IamForexTrader was founded by Andrei Bondarenko, a Master's degree in Finance and Credit, an online entrepreneur, a successful trader and investor with over five years of experience.

Our goal

We aim to become one of the most trusted sources of trading and investing information and analysis. We strive to provide our readers with relevant, reliable, and helpful information to help them make informed financial decisions.

We realize that trading and investing can be complex and risky, so we provide our readers with all the tools and resources they need to help them mitigate these risks. We also allow our readers to connect with other traders and investors so they can learn from each other and share their knowledge.

Our forex broker reviews are some of the most detailed and informative on the market. We analyze all critical aspects of a broker's performance, including security, commissions, ease of opening an account, variability of markets and products offered, quality of trading platforms, analytics, training materials provided, and level of technical support exclusively according to our methodology. This helps our readers determine which broker best suits their requirements and expectations.

We hope our site will become a valuable resource for anyone interested in trading and investing. We will continue to work on improving the quality of our content and providing our readers with the most relevant and helpful information.

Editorial Policy

IamForexTrader adheres to the strictest journalistic policy. We are committed to providing fair and unbiased reporting in our news stories. Our writers must verify each article before publication and provide sources for quotes and statistics. Each article is checked by an editor before publication.

The site primarily uses our author's images. However, where existing images are used, our authors must cite the source.

Our goal is to become one of the most reliable sources of information and analytics in trading and investing.

Advertising Policy

We do not use intrusive advertising like pop-ups, Push mailings, or other advertising systems that track users' online behavior.

All advertisers are adequately vetted before being accepted on the site. We will never carry advertising from companies promising guaranteed income or companies engaging in deceptive marketing.

We label commercial press releases on the site and separate them from its main content.

Our contacts

Our team

Андрей Бондаренко - портрет
Andrey BondarenkoEditor-in-Chief
Николай Заваров - портрет
Nikolay ZavarovAuthor and analyst