Is Pocket Option Halal or Haram?

Last updated Jun 21, 2024

Ensuring that trading platforms comply with Islamic finance principles is crucial for Muslim traders. Pocket Option's provision of Islamic trading accounts, which exclude Riba (interest) and Gharar (uncertainty), suggests it may be a halal option for those adhering to Sharia law.

We will now delve into why Pocket Option is halal, examining its operations, financial instruments, and the structure of its Islamic accounts to provide clarity for Muslim traders seeking ethical and religiously acceptable trading platforms.

Pocket Option Review

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Founded in 2017 by IT and FinTech specialists, Pocket Option has quickly established itself as a forward-thinking trading platform. With an ambitious goal to democratize the trading experience, making it universally accessible, the binary options broker has seen rapid growth and development. Starting with a modest customer base, Pocket Option has expanded its reach to over a million users across 95 countries and regions. Central to its ethos is a commitment to exceptional customer service, with many innovative features directly inspired by user feedback.

Advantages of Pocket Option

  • Variety of Accounts and Services: Pocket Option caters to a wide range of traders by offering a diverse selection of account types, ensuring an option for every trader's needs.

  • Wide Selection of Deposit and Withdrawal Methods: The platform supports many funding and withdrawal options, including credit cards and e-wallets, facilitating seamless transactions.

  • Diverse Asset Classes for Trading: Traders have access to a broad spectrum of assets, from traditional stocks and currencies to emerging cryptocurrencies, providing ample opportunities for diversification.

  • Trading Platforms: With the inclusion of renowned platforms like MT4 and MT5, Pocket Option ensures a convenient and versatile trading experience.

  • Analytics and Education: The broker excels at providing high-quality analytical materials and educational resources, which aid traders in making informed decisions.

Disadvantages of Pocket Option

  • Weak Regulation: The platform's regulatory framework may not be as robust as some traders prefer, introducing potential risks.

  • High Spreads for CFD Trading: Traders might find the profitability of CFD trading compromised by higher spreads.

  • Protracted Withdrawal Time: Withdrawal times can extend up to 14 days, a notable inconvenience for traders requiring quick access to their funds.

  • Average Range of CFDs: Compared to its peers, Pocket Option's selection of CFDs may appear limited, offering fewer trading opportunities.

  • Lack of iOS and Desktop Applications: The absence of dedicated applications for iOS and desktop platforms may limit trading flexibility across different devices.

Does Pocket Option provide an Islamic account?

Pocket Option provides an Islamic account that caters to Muslim traders by ensuring that trading practices adhere to Islamic tenets. This type of account is designed to comply with Sharia law, prohibiting elements such as Riba (interest) and Gharar (uncertainty). By offering Islamic accounts, Pocket Option demonstrates its commitment to inclusivity and recognizes the diverse needs of its global user base.

Core Islamic Trading Principles

Islam is governed by principles derived from Sharia, or Islamic law, which provides guidelines for ethical and fair financial transactions. Fundamental principles that significantly impact trading include Riba (interest), Gharar (uncertainty), and Maysir (gambling). These principles ensure that economic activities do not harm society and are conducted fairly and equitably for all parties involved.

Riba (Interest)

Riba, or interest, refers to the fixed or predetermined interest collected on loans or deposits, which Islam prohibits. This prohibition stems from the principle of justice and the belief that profit should be earned through legitimate trade and investment in assets rather than through interest. Islamic trading accounts are designed to be free from Riba, ensuring that trades do not involve interest payments, such as overnight swap fees, which are common in conventional trading accounts.

Gharar (Uncertainty)

Gharar signifies excessive uncertainty and ambiguity in the terms of contracts and speculative transactions. It is prohibited because it leads to unjust enrichment and unfair exploitation. This principle emphasizes transparency and certainty in all transactions in the trading context. Islamic trading accounts avoid contracts and trades that contain excessive uncertainty, ensuring that all parties have clear, accurate information and that the outcomes of trades are not based on pure speculation.

Maysir (Gambling)

Maysir refers to gambling, which involves earning money by chance rather than through effort or skill and is strictly forbidden. This prohibition extends to speculative trades that resemble gambling, where the trader has little or no knowledge of the market and is essentially betting on outcomes. Islam encourages investments based on careful analysis and expertise, ensuring that trading activities are conducted in a manner that does not equate to gambling.

Binary Options Trading: Halal or Haram?

In the debate over whether binary options trading aligns with Islamic finance principles, key considerations include the prohibition of Riba (Interest), Gharar (Uncertainty), and Maysir (Gambling). Let's explore the arguments for and against each aspect to determine whether this trading can be halal or haram.

AspectArguments for HalalArguments for Haram
Riba (Interest)Trading binary options does not inherently involve interest, as trades are executed based on predictions, not loans.It is not directly applicable.
Gharar (Uncertainty)Some argue that informed decisions based on market analysis reduce gharar to acceptable levels.The inherent unpredictability of binary options outcomes introduces a level of gharar considered unacceptable in Islamic finance.
Maysir (Gambling)With proper strategy and market knowledge, trading can be viewed as a skill-based activity, not gambling.The binary options market's structure—win or lose based on market predictions—mirrors gambling, making it haram.

Expert Opinion

"In essence, binary options trading will not be permissible due to the following reasons: Qimar (gambling): After the purchase of a binary ‘call’ or ‘put’ option, there are only two possible outcomes, either making a profit on the amount invested or a total loss. Hence, it will fall under the category of ‘gambling.’ Gharar (uncertainty): After the initial investment, there is no certainty that a transaction will occur at the time of expiry and therefore will be included within the prohibition in the above Hadith." - Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah, Darul Ifta Birmingham.

Our Opinion

Considering the arguments and expert opinions, trading options present elements that can be seen as halal or haram, depending on one's interpretation of Islamic principles. The key issues revolve around uncertainty and gambling, with the structure of binary options trading closely resembling gambling due to its all-or-nothing nature. This, coupled with the inherent uncertainty in outcomes, aligns binary options trading more closely with activities forbidden.

However, the debate is not entirely one-sided. Some argue that with adequate knowledge, analysis, and strategy, binary options trading can be approached in a manner that minimizes gambling and uncertainty, potentially aligning it with halal practices.

If you are still unsure about the question, "Is Binary Options Trading Halal or Haram?" it is crucial to consult with your imam. A nuanced understanding of your beliefs and the specifics of your trading strategy will be essential in making a decision that aligns with your faith.

So, Is Pocket Option Halal or Haram?

Whether trade with Pocket Option is halal or haram hinges on several key considerations that align with Islamic finance principles. Here, we delve into these aspects to provide a comprehensive assessment.

Binary Trading is not Gambling

Binary options trading, often misconstrued as gambling, can be conducted to avoid the pitfalls of maysir when approached with the right mindset. The critical difference lies in the trader's approach and the use of informed decision-making. By relying on thorough market analysis, economic indicators, and strategic planning, traders can make educated predictions rather than leaving outcomes to chance. This analytical approach transforms trading from a game of luck into a calculated decision-making process.

No Swap on Pocket Option Trading Platform

One clear indicator of Pocket Option's alignment with Islamic tenets is its trading platform's absence of swap interest. Swap fees, or overnight interest, contravene the Islamic prohibition of riba. Pocket Option addresses this concern by offering swap-free accounts, ensuring that trades can be executed without incurring any interest, thus maintaining compliance with Shariah law.

Trade Connected with Real Market

The connection of trades to real market activities significantly reduces gharar (uncertainty) in trading. Pocket Option's trading operations are linked to the actual movements and valuations in the global markets, ensuring that trading decisions are grounded in real-world economic activities. This direct linkage provides transparency and minimizes speculative risks, aligning with the need for certainty in financial transactions as Islamic law prescribes.

Pocket Option Islamic Trading Account

Pocket Option offers Islamic accounts specifically designed to meet the requirements of Muslim traders. These accounts exclude riba, gharar, and maysir, adhering closely to Shariah law. Features include immediate trade execution without delays, the absence of hidden fees, and the assurance that all transactions are conducted transparently and ethically. By providing these tailored accounts, Pocket Option facilitates a trading environment that respects the faith-based concerns of its Muslim clientele.

Trader's Intentions

Ultimately, binary options trading's haram or halal status may also depend on the trader's intentions. Trading with the intention of speculation akin to gambling would not be permissible. However, suppose a trader engages in the market to make informed, strategic decisions based on market knowledge and analysis. In that case, this moves the activity away from gambling and towards a form of investment permissible within Islamic finance.


Considering the outlined factors, Pocket Option's efforts to accommodate Islamic doctrines through its trading operations and the specific provision of Islamic accounts suggest that trading on this platform can be halal. However, the onus remains on the individual trader to ensure their trading practice are conducted in a manner that aligns with Islamic teachings, emphasizing the importance of intention and informed decision-making in the process.

Recommendations for Muslim Traders

For Muslim traders navigating the complexities of ensuring their trading activities comply with Islamic tenets, particularly when considering platforms like Pocket Option, here are several recommendations to maintain Shariah compliance:

1. Opt for Islamic Accounts

Ensure you're trading through an Islamic account, which Pocket Option offers. These accounts are designed to eliminate elements non-compliant with Islamic law, such as riba and gharar. Before trading, verify the features of the Islamic account to ensure they meet all requirements for Shariah compliance.

2. Conduct Thorough Market Analysis

Engage in trading based on informed decisions rather than speculation. Utilize the analytical tools and educational resources provided by Pocket Option to understand market trends and make educated predictions. This approach helps differentiate your trading practice from gambling, aligning them more closely with investment.

3. Set Clear Trading Intentions

Reflect on your intentions before trading. Ensure your motivation is to gamble on outcomes and invest based on knowledge and analysis. Islam emphasizes the importance of intention behind actions; thus, trading should aim for ethical and beneficial outcomes, avoiding speculation akin to gambling.

4. Avoid Overly Speculative Trades

Stay clear of trades that feel more like betting than investing. This includes avoiding highly volatile markets without sufficient knowledge or engaging in trades based on rumors or unfounded predictions. Such activities introduce excessive gharar and maysir, moving away from the principles of Islam.

5. Consult with a Scholar

Consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or a trusted religious advisor. They can guide whether specific trading strategies or instruments comply with Islamic principles. This step is crucial for those still learning the boundaries of halal trading.

6. Monitor Trading Practices Regularly

Regularly review your trading practices to ensure they remain within Islamic guidelines. This includes reassessing the types of assets you trade, your strategies, and the features of the Islamic account you use. Continuous self-assessment helps maintain a halal trading environment.

7. Embrace Ethical Trading

Beyond compliance with Islamic law, aim for ethical trading practices. This includes being transparent in your trades, avoiding harm to others through trading activities, and contributing positively to the economy. Ethical trading aligns with Islamic precepts and promotes a fair and just trading environment.

By following these recommendations, Muslim traders can navigate the trading world more confidently, ensuring their activities remain compliant with Islamic dogmas while utilizing platforms like Pocket Option.


What Constitutes Halal Trading in Islam?

Halal trading refers to activities that comply with Islamic Sharia law. This means the trading must be free from interest (Riba), uncertainty (Gharar), and gambling (Maysir). Transactions should be transparent, with all parties having clear information about the trade. The goods and services traded must be permissible under Islamic law, and the trading should not involve harm to individuals or society.

Is Forex Trading Haram or Halal?

Trading CFDs and Forex can be halal if it avoids direct interest, excessive uncertainty, and gambling. This usually involves using an Islamic or swap-free account that does not earn or charge interest on overnight positions. The trade must also be executed immediately, and the transaction must be free from uncertainty.

Is Investing in Stocks Considered Halal?

Investing in stocks is halal as long as the company's business activities do not violate Islamic principles. The company should not be involved in sectors like alcohol, gambling, pork, and interest-based financial services. The investment should also avoid transactions involving excessive uncertainty and speculation.

How to Open a PocketOption Islamic Account?

To open a PocketOption Islamic account, follow these steps:

  1. Register for an account on the Pocket Option platform.

  2. Verify your account by providing the necessary identification documents.

  3. Contact customer support or access the account settings to request the conversion of your account to an Islamic account.

  4. Upon approval, the platform will review your request and convert your account to comply with Islamic trading principles.

Is There a Mobile App for Pocket Option Trading?

Yes, Pocket Option offers a mobile app that supports Islamic trading. The app is available for Android devices and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

What Are the Minimum Deposit Requirements for PocketOption?

The minimum deposit starts at $5.

Nikolay is an experienced specialist in financial markets and co-founder of IamForexTrader. He has been successfully trading Forex since 2014 and has been actively involved in the cryptocurrency market since 2017.

He develops investment strategies adaptable to any level of experience and has been actively investing in stocks, bonds and ETFs since 2018.