Is Quotex Legal in Bangladesh?

Last updated Jul 2, 2024

Thanks to its user-friendly platform and diverse trading options, Quotex is quickly becoming a favorite for online traders globally. However, the situation in Bangladesh is a bit tricky due to unclear regulations surrounding binary options trading. While Forex and binary options trading are legal, the lack of specific guidelines from local financial regulators leaves a grey area. This uncertainty makes traders wonder about the legality and safety of using international platforms like Quotex.

We aim to demystify binary options trading in Bangladesh, offering straightforward insights to help you make informed decisions.

About Quotex Broker

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RegisterTrading binary options carries high risks. You may lose all invested funds
Profitabilityup to 91%
Minimum Deposit$10
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Founded in 2019, Quotex has rapidly carved out a niche in the binary options and broader financial instruments market, demonstrating impressive growth and development. Thanks to its commitment to innovation and user-centric features, this platform has garnered attention from newcomers and seasoned traders. At the heart of Quotex's success is a team of highly qualified professionals boasting over 200 years of combined experience in development and finance. Their expertise has been pivotal in creating a product that resonates with the modern trader's needs, offering many unique opportunities.

Quotex's mission is to make financial instruments accessible to the broadest possible audience. It achieves this by offering over 400 free trading tools, encompassing a wide range of assets such as currency pairs, stocks, metals, oil, gas, and cryptocurrencies. This extensive selection ensures that traders of all interests and skill levels have the resources to succeed in the global markets.

Quotex Advantages

  • No Commissions: Quotex stands out by not charging commissions on trading operations, significantly reducing the cost of trading for its users.

  • Diverse Deposit and Withdrawal Options: The platform offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, with a low minimum requirement of just $10, making the process accessible and convenient.

  • User-Friendly Web Platform: Quotex provides a functional and convenient web platform equipped with various tools for technical analysis that cater to traders' needs for thorough market analysis.

  • 24/7 Technical Support: The platform ensures users can access round-the-clock support and boasts fast response times to queries or issues.

  • Free Demo Account: Quotex recognizes the importance of practice for beginners and offers a demo account, allowing new traders to hone their skills without any financial risk.

  • Contests and Tournaments: Binary options traders can participate in contests and tournaments, adding an element of competition and the chance to win prizes.

Quotex Disadvantages

  • Lack of Regulation: The platform's unregulated status may raise concerns about security and reliability among traders.

  • Limited Selection of Assets: Compared to competitors, Quotex offers a relatively limited selection of assets, which may restrict trading strategies.

  • No Desktop or iOS Platform Versions: The absence of dedicated desktop and iOS app versions limits accessibility for users of these platforms.

  • Limited Analytics: The platform does not offer in-depth analytics and recommendations, which could hinder traders' ability to make informed decisions.

  • No Educational Materials: The platform lacks educational resources, so beginners may find learning about trading and the markets challenging.

Is Quotex Regulated in Bangladesh?

Quotex does not fall under the direct regulation of any financial regulatory authority in Bangladesh, such as the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC).

This situation places Bangladeshi traders in a position to deal with a platform that lacks local regulatory oversight. This is a common scenario in online trading, where numerous platforms operate globally, often obtaining licenses from regulatory bodies outside the local jurisdiction.

Can Bangladeshis Trading with Quotex?

Bangladeshi traders are indeed able to use Quotex. However, they need to understand that while engaging with international brokers like Quotex is not explicitly prohibited in Bangladesh, the country's regulatory framework does not specifically support or safeguard this trading activity. The BSEC oversees Bangladesh's financial and securities markets and does not regulate international binary options platforms. Consequently, traders in Bangladesh operate in a market without the protection of local regulatory oversight or clear legal options should disputes occur.

The legality of binary options trading in Bangladesh operates in a grey area, with no explicit regulations or formal recognition from the country's leading financial authorities. The Bangladesh Bank (BB) and the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), which are responsible for overseeing financial and securities markets, do not directly regulate binary options trading. This regulatory vacuum forces traders to look towards international platforms to fulfill their trading activities, presenting a set of risks due to the absence of local regulatory oversight and a clear legal framework to resolve disputes.

Individuals interested in binary options trading should proceed cautiously, fully understanding the risks associated with unregulated platforms. Potential traders must conduct thorough research and consider the implications of trading without the protection of regulatory safeguards, ensuring they are prepared for any possible challenges.

Risks of Using the Quotex Trading Platform

  1. Regulatory Ambiguity. The regulatory framework surrounding Quotex is not as robust or transparent as those platforms regulated by established authorities like the SEC or FCA. This lack of clear regulation can lead to concerns about the platform's dedication to safeguarding trader interests and ensuring fair trading practices.

  2. Challenges in Resolving Disputes. In the absence of a stringent regulatory environment, traders may find themselves with limited options for dispute resolution. This scarcity of formal recourse mechanisms can leave traders vulnerable when facing issues or conflicts.

  3. Market Volatility Risks. Trading on the Quotex app involves speculative investments, which carry a high risk of financial loss despite the opportunity for significant rewards. The unpredictable nature of financial markets means that traders must be prepared for sudden shifts that could impact their investments.

  4. Emotional Trading Hazards. The potential for rapid gains on the Quotex platform might tempt traders into making decisions based on emotion rather than careful analysis. Such impulsive trading behavior can negatively impact one's trading outcomes and financial stability.

How Can Bangladeshis Safely Trade Binary Options?

For Bangladeshis interested in exploring the binary options market, moving forward with caution and thorough knowledge is essential, especially considering the regulatory grey areas in Bangladesh. Here are crucial strategies to enhance safety while engaging in digital options trading:

  1. Understand the Regulatory Landscape. Binary trading in Bangladesh is unregulated because it operates without direct oversight from the local authorities.

  2. Select Brokers with International Licenses. Give preference to brokers regulated by reputable international authorities such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK or the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). These regulators signify a broker's reliability and adherence to ethical trading practices, although they do not offer local protection within Bangladesh.

  3. Research the Broker Thoroughly. Dive deep into the broker's history, credibility, and operational integrity. Seek feedback on trading forums, look for regulatory warnings, and assess the broker's track record to confirm its trustworthiness.

  4. Acknowledge Trading Risks. Be fully aware of the speculative nature of binary options trading and its inherent risks. Only invest funds you can afford to lose, and stay alert to the risk of fraud in a lightly regulated market.

  5. Utilize Demo Accounts. Reputable brokers often provide demo accounts. Use these to familiarize yourself with their platforms and to hone your trading strategies without financial risk.

  6. Seek Legal Guidance. Given the complex regulatory environment surrounding binary options, consulting with a legal expert knowledgeable in Bangladeshi financial law can offer crucial insights.

  7. Be Cautious with Offshore Brokers. Although accessible, offshore brokers may not meet the stringent security and transparency standards expected by Bangladeshi or other established regulatory bodies.

  8. Invest in Education. Commit time to learning about binary options, market analysis, and effective trading strategies through educational resources.

  9. Begin with Small Investments. Start your trading journey with modest amounts to limit potential losses while you learn the ropes.

  10. Keep Abreast of Regulatory Developments. It is essential to stay informed about local and global regulatory framework changes as they may impact your trading activities.

Adopting these measures can provide Bangladeshi traders with a safer pathway into the world of financial market trading. However, it's crucial to bear in mind the high-risk nature of this endeavor and the possibility of losing your investment, particularly when trading through platforms that lack stringent regulatory oversight.


Quotex is available in Bangladesh, yet it's essential to understand that it operates outside the purview of Bangladeshi regulatory institutions. For individuals considering trading on Quotex, a cautious approach is recommended. Understanding the platform thoroughly and being aware of the risks involved is essential. The lack of oversight from local regulatory bodies means that traders do not have the usual safeguards that would be in place with locally regulated entities.


What Are Binary Options?

Binary options are a financial instrument that allows traders to speculate on the price movement of assets within a fixed timeframe. Traders predict whether the price of an asset will rise or fall, receiving a fixed payout if their prediction is correct or losing their investment if it is not.

Is Binary Options Trading Halal or Haram?

The halal or haram status of binary options trading depends on the individual's approach and the specific conditions under which they trade. Some argue that trading binary options can be considered halal if conducted according to Islamic finance principles, such as avoiding excessive risk and uncertainty. However, others view it as haram due to the speculative nature of the trading and the high gambling risk. For personal guidance, it is recommended that you consult a knowledgeable Islamic scholar.

Will I Make Money by Trading Binary Options?

While making money trading binary options is possible, it is also highly risky. Success in binary options trading requires a deep understanding of the market, a well-thought-out strategy, and disciplined risk management. There are no guarantees of profit, and traders should be prepared for the possibility of losing their entire investment.

Can You Make Money Without Investing in Binary Options?

It is highly unlikely that you will make money without directly investing in binary options. Some affiliate programs or referral schemes may offer financial rewards without direct trading, but these are not common and usually require significant marketing or networking efforts.

Is Quotex Licensed and Regulated?

Quotex is managed by the company ON SPOT LLC GROUP, registered in Saint Kitts and Nevis. However, it does not hold any licenses from financial regulators. This lack of regulatory oversight means traders should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before trading on the platform.

What Are the Best Trading Platforms in Bangladesh?

The best trading platforms vary depending on your trading needs, preferences, and experience level. For a comprehensive list of reputable binary options and Forex brokers, you can visit the best binary options brokers and best Forex brokers in Bangladesh.

How to Identify and Avoid Scam Brokers?

To identify and avoid scam brokers, look for red flags such as lack of regulatory information, unrealistic promises of high returns, aggressive marketing tactics, and poor customer reviews. Always verify the broker's regulatory status, carefully read their terms and conditions, and check for user feedback and reviews online.

How Can I Recover Money from a Binary Options Scam?

Recovering money from a binary options scam can be challenging. Start by reporting the scam to the financial regulator in your jurisdiction and any relevant consumer protection agencies. Consider seeking legal advice to explore your options. Sometimes, chargebacks through your bank or payment provider may be possible if you deposit via credit card or certain online payment systems.

Nikolay is an experienced specialist in financial markets and co-founder of IamForexTrader. He has been successfully trading Forex since 2014 and has been actively involved in the cryptocurrency market since 2017.

He develops investment strategies adaptable to any level of experience and has been actively investing in stocks, bonds and ETFs since 2018.